About Debbie

Welcome to Carroll Sports Injury & Reflexology Clinic - My name is Debbie; I am an ITEC qualified (International Therapy Examination Council) Sports Injury Therapist and Reflexology Practitioner.

ITEC is an international examination board providing high quality internationally recognised education programmes for complementary therapists.  I studied Sports Therapy at IMST (Institute of Massage & Sports Therapy) which is considered to be one of the leading Sports Massage & Therapy Colleges in Ireland.

My Reflexology Practitioner’s diploma was completed at the Golden Egg Holistic training school, which is one of the top training centres in Ireland.  My  Clinic is based in the village of Knockainey which is approximately 3km from the town of Hospital, 6.5km from Bruff, 12.5km from Kilmallock and 28km from Limerick City. I have been very fortunate in the six plus years that the clinic has been opened that 90% of my Client base is referral recommendation. 

I have completed many Post Graduate and CPD approved (Continuing Professional Development) courses over the years such as: Baby/Children Reflexology, Lymphatic drainage massage, Ear candling, Kinesiology taping for acute & chronic injuries, Sports taping & strapping, Advanced cupping therapy, Dry needling, Advanced pitch side first aid & Match Cover, Pre & Post Event. I am also a PHECC registered ( Pre Hospital Emergency Care Council)  Emergency  Medical Technician with the Irish Red Cross.

Associations that I am affiliated with: